Sunday, March 13, 2011

Things That Made Me Go 'UUuuuuhhhh......uh-oh.'

For me, I watch my body closely, and had a vague idea that I was more than just pmsing several weeks before I actually went in to the doctor to get checked.  I was quickly growing a mental list of things that were happening, didn't take long to do the math.

Symptoms that may tell you you're pregnant (in order of remembering to jot them down):

1.     crazy gas     (sucks)

2.     crazy nightmares     (weirds you out)

3.     crazy thirst     (can I not get enough water???)

4.     nonstop nausea / nausea from smells     (this is particularly hard in any large city-even harder in a city where I am still getting used to the smells, and used to plugging my nose)

5.     craving of foods / need to eat     (specifically bland-like pasta!!!)

6.     abundant exhaustion     (passing out after work, every day, and still sleeping through the night)

7.     constant, mild headaches     (not migraines, just enough to remind you they're there)

8.     nonstop constipation     (with random bursts of diarrhea)  (in a third world country where you're used to having only diarrhea issues-and on call, if you so desire, this is a hard one to come to terms with--and also the big kicker on my list that I may be prego)

9.     huge, tender boobs     (especially when the cat walks across them.  ouch)

10.   stronger sense of smell / causes bouts of nausea     (can make the bike ride to work a bit...nauseating)

11.   congestion / runny nose     (for someone who already deals with sinus problems, this is very annoying.  what is more annoying, is that even through the harsh congestion, you can still smell better than a dog)

12.   clear skin [at first] / building acne     (whoever said that pregnant women have beautiful skin, lied)

13.   that 'glow'     (though my coworkers thought my new glow was to getting fat while on winter vacation.  possibly.)

14.   harder fingernails     (less chipping--yay!!!)

15.   sore muscles / leg cramps     (I thought these weren't supposed to show up for another few months...)

16.   dizziness     (apparently, fainting is a real problem for pregos who stand for long periods of time...I tried to request a stool at work for helping to teach my classes.  Denied.)

17.   forgetfulness     (I hope this doesn't get too much worse...)

18.   I smell different.

1 comment:

  1. If the nausea keeps up they make wrist bands with pressure beads that press on the inside of your wrist on a pressure point. They were the only thing that allowed me to eat for the first half of my pregnancy, both times. The sense of smell is nuts. I swear I could have subbed in for a blood hound while preggo.
