Sunday, March 13, 2011

One Thing I Forgot!

Pee Pee Pee Pee

I gotta pee! I gotta pee! I gotta Pee!

I sound like one of my 2nd graders.  Feel like one too, sometimes.

It's a freaking water cycle.

I can't get enough water, or I feel super dehydrated.

But even when I make myself not drink so much water so I can make it through the next class, I STILL GOTTA PEE!

And no matter how much water I drink, it doesn't come out clear.

This sucks.


  1. I believe that is why I craved watermelon so much when I was pregnant with you. I was so thirsty and it quenched my thirst.


  2. dude, its not clear because you are taking pre-natal vit.s no? They will turn pee the color of a highlighter. :-)

    yoda :)

  3. @ yoda,
    is true. and highlighter color it is.
    just depressing not to see clearness...
    makes me feel as if my insides are intoxicated

    -baby padawan

  4. @ mom,

    maybe i should explain this to the Asians, as they would normally believe that I would become the most asthmatic person ever.
    Case solved on that.
    Maybe we'll see if me not eating watermelon does the same for this kid, then show them which is right-old-wives tales or scientific fact.
    I'm kidding.


  5. Lol! It's bad! Aaron once had to stop every 10 min all the way to Atlanta so I could pee. Very. Long. Trip. Even now, anytime I drink too much and have to pee more than once in an hour someone asks me if im pregnant. Lol!
