Sunday, March 13, 2011

I Like Pasta Best

I've always been interested to know exactly what I would crave while prego.  My friends have always given me a hard time for liking foods like peanut butter with pickle.  I honestly never expected to want to eat only Italian food.  I live in Asia.  I love Asian food.  Right now, most of it makes me sick to think of.  I can think of Asian noodles.  :-)  Especially rice noodles, as they don't usually have loads of oil.  :-)  But, now, I do not like rice, chicken cooked Asian style, chicken in general, fish in general, Asian seasonings, unless it's on small pieces of grilled beef, anything oily....

I like only rice noodles to be eaten with small strips of beef (sometimes egg rolls if I can choke down the oil) and a couple leafy greens.  I like ramen with very little seasoning and no extra oil (a common addition in Asia).  Sometimes I can stand beef noodle soup.  And that's about it.

Otherwise, I order Italian pasta from about 5 different restaurants in town.  Sometimes pizza.  Or I cook my own pasta and only add a little salt and parmesan.  Yum!

I once ordered Indian food from my fave place here (I LOVE Indian food).  Once.  Leftovers have been in the fridge ever since, and my stomach churns even thinking about scanning the menu again.

If I can find them, I like crackers.  And cereal with soy milk.

I've also been craving salad bars.  You can find one salad bar in town (that I'm aware of), and I finally went today.  Fairly lame bar.  But, better than nothing, I guess.

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