Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Is it too early to nest??

I'm gonna go with...it picks up more the fatter you get.

And I'm getting fatter!!


...is apparently a side effect of pregnancy.

Who knew?

I feel for my students the most!

This means one of two things: I'm short on calcium or I'm short on water.  or both.

Unless, of course, brushing after meals is not enough for basic hygiene.

I found out that cheese, not milk, has some of the largest sources of calcium.

Esp. parmesan---whoah...my fave cheese too!! (aside from feta, which i'm not allowed to eat right now...)

Here's to hoping dairy isn't too far gone out of my system--i won't be lactose intolerant (I've haven't cut out dairy completely), but I still feel the affects when I'm back in the States and eating healthy portions of it...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

I Waddle


              ...not cool.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


hormones have kicked in.
hard core.
and have only been getting worse over past several days.
a pmsing day, i can handle.
non-stop ragers where i either want to cry or wail someone in the head (or peel their face off), or both, are not fun, or cool.
talk about having to do some serious 'ommmmm'ing' before walking into a classroom.
and the rest of the day.
i have become more blatant, more truthful (in the overly open context), more adamant.
(well, in a way, some of it does me good!)
just doing my best to be careful.
i just hope, as with the rest of my symptoms, that this doesn't stick around long as well.
i might go mental.
i think i almost already am.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Wise Artist Recently Said...



hehe-I know I will enjoy the future as well, of course.
But there is nothing compared to complete and total independence

Monday, March 21, 2011

Tofu: Yes? No?

Oh no...
I don't like this debate.
Being a Mostly veggie and anti-cow's milk, I live for soy milk and tofu and other soy products.
I don't eat them all the time, except when I have cereal, then I have soy milk almost every day.  I live in Asia, where tofu is more of the common diet than even in the States.
So, how is it that the States say it's terrible to eat when you're preggo, but Asians think I'm crazy when I mention that it could be bad.
They say that tofu has estrogen properties-and that women who are/have had breast cancer should never eat tofu.  I keep hearing tofu.  What about other soy products?  There has been some talk about them.
They say it's worst for the pregnant woman if she's carrying a boy, for obvious reasons.  However, you can't find that out for a bit.
Some say that moderation is the key-just don't overdo it.  If you have a soy product once or even twice a week, it shouldn't be a big deal.
Others say don't eat it at all.
If you read message boards, you see the debates.
However, if you look at pregnancy websites where they list healthy food and recipe options for pregnant women, they all state tofu somewhere, and soy in general.
Debate goes between doctors and nutritionists-some doctors and nutritionists say yes, some say no.
So, who is right?

Saturday, March 19, 2011

40 Weeks = 9 Months

Was talking to a couple friends and think that maybe we solved this mystery.

As some months have 4 1/2-5 weeks, it is possible to add on a couple extra weeks-ish.

This was established early.  However, I was still not convinced, as it still didn't tack on 4 extra weeks.

BUT, and I don't know if this is the final reason--but our current hypothesis is that it actually has to do with the first 2 weeks of the pregnancy.

These two weeks, you are not actually pregnant!  The doctors start counting from the 1st day of your previous period, not from date of conception.

So, if this is taken into consideration, than, yes, technically, you are only preggo for 9 months.  If you look at months, and not weeks.

Yoda told me that she never figured out why they counted the way they did--in two pregnancies.

So, tip is to just not let it worry you--stick with the weeks, bypass the details, and concentrate on the pregnancy itself.

Sounds like a good plan.  :-)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Healthy Food

...is something I definitely need more of.  Like the kinds with little to no preservatives.  Beyond making cooked veggies and noodles or cooked veggies and rice, I feel a bit out of 'safe' options.  Enter ordering food, as I feel more comfortable eating their prepped veggies to ones from the market...currently.  Expensive.  Especially the more 'organic' the food.  Supposedly I'll get more energy within a few weeks--which is good, as I've already started getting some back.  Then maybe I'll have energy to go to the market and make my own meals.  Until then...I'm salivating over what Tango Juice is about to deliver (except the avocado pannini that they're sold out of today...).  Some things here will never change...


This is one thing I fear I will never understand.  For sure it will be one of the first questions when I get back to the States to an American doctor.

Why the heck do they say we are prego for 9 months??     It's a lie!

You check any pregnancy calendars and they clearly state about 40 weeks.  That's roughly 10 months.

And the 2nd trimester has 16 weeks (roughly 4 months), not 12.

So, do we somehow repeat month 6?

We spend the 1st trimester counting toward the month.  Then we spend the 3rd trimester counting after the beginning of the month.

So how do we count during the 2nd trimester??

I like math to be simple.

This is not fair for someone who is already fighting for brain power.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sore Back

Whenever I get stressed, my upper back always gets the brute of the tension.  I keep hearing that during pregnancy, the lower back is supposed to hurt.  Now, I'm not expecting this for a bit.  However, this morning, after I got up and started walking around a bit, I found that (along with my calves) my lower back was aching.  Not cool.  After the bike ride to school, with my backpack, the pain has receded to the upper back again.  Oh well, I'm sure it will even out eventually.  :-)

I Like Pasta Best

I've always been interested to know exactly what I would crave while prego.  My friends have always given me a hard time for liking foods like peanut butter with pickle.  I honestly never expected to want to eat only Italian food.  I live in Asia.  I love Asian food.  Right now, most of it makes me sick to think of.  I can think of Asian noodles.  :-)  Especially rice noodles, as they don't usually have loads of oil.  :-)  But, now, I do not like rice, chicken cooked Asian style, chicken in general, fish in general, Asian seasonings, unless it's on small pieces of grilled beef, anything oily....

I like only rice noodles to be eaten with small strips of beef (sometimes egg rolls if I can choke down the oil) and a couple leafy greens.  I like ramen with very little seasoning and no extra oil (a common addition in Asia).  Sometimes I can stand beef noodle soup.  And that's about it.

Otherwise, I order Italian pasta from about 5 different restaurants in town.  Sometimes pizza.  Or I cook my own pasta and only add a little salt and parmesan.  Yum!

I once ordered Indian food from my fave place here (I LOVE Indian food).  Once.  Leftovers have been in the fridge ever since, and my stomach churns even thinking about scanning the menu again.

If I can find them, I like crackers.  And cereal with soy milk.

I've also been craving salad bars.  You can find one salad bar in town (that I'm aware of), and I finally went today.  Fairly lame bar.  But, better than nothing, I guess.

One Thing I Forgot!

Pee Pee Pee Pee

I gotta pee! I gotta pee! I gotta Pee!

I sound like one of my 2nd graders.  Feel like one too, sometimes.

It's a freaking water cycle.

I can't get enough water, or I feel super dehydrated.

But even when I make myself not drink so much water so I can make it through the next class, I STILL GOTTA PEE!

And no matter how much water I drink, it doesn't come out clear.

This sucks.

Things That Made Me Go 'UUuuuuhhhh......uh-oh.'

For me, I watch my body closely, and had a vague idea that I was more than just pmsing several weeks before I actually went in to the doctor to get checked.  I was quickly growing a mental list of things that were happening, didn't take long to do the math.

Symptoms that may tell you you're pregnant (in order of remembering to jot them down):

1.     crazy gas     (sucks)

2.     crazy nightmares     (weirds you out)

3.     crazy thirst     (can I not get enough water???)

4.     nonstop nausea / nausea from smells     (this is particularly hard in any large city-even harder in a city where I am still getting used to the smells, and used to plugging my nose)

5.     craving of foods / need to eat     (specifically bland-like pasta!!!)

6.     abundant exhaustion     (passing out after work, every day, and still sleeping through the night)

7.     constant, mild headaches     (not migraines, just enough to remind you they're there)

8.     nonstop constipation     (with random bursts of diarrhea)  (in a third world country where you're used to having only diarrhea issues-and on call, if you so desire, this is a hard one to come to terms with--and also the big kicker on my list that I may be prego)

9.     huge, tender boobs     (especially when the cat walks across them.  ouch)

10.   stronger sense of smell / causes bouts of nausea     (can make the bike ride to work a bit...nauseating)

11.   congestion / runny nose     (for someone who already deals with sinus problems, this is very annoying.  what is more annoying, is that even through the harsh congestion, you can still smell better than a dog)

12.   clear skin [at first] / building acne     (whoever said that pregnant women have beautiful skin, lied)

13.   that 'glow'     (though my coworkers thought my new glow was to getting fat while on winter vacation.  possibly.)

14.   harder fingernails     (less chipping--yay!!!)

15.   sore muscles / leg cramps     (I thought these weren't supposed to show up for another few months...)

16.   dizziness     (apparently, fainting is a real problem for pregos who stand for long periods of time...I tried to request a stool at work for helping to teach my classes.  Denied.)

17.   forgetfulness     (I hope this doesn't get too much worse...)

18.   I smell different.