Tuesday, April 12, 2011

they come in 3's, 4's, 5's, ......

It seems like every other week I'm finding out that another friend is pregnant!

At the moment, I can count 5, no, 6--besides myself,

(that makes 2 sets of three's...) (does that make for double luck?)

--ranging between about to pop-to-due about when I am.

Honestly, very exciting!

There had been a lull in my friend's pregnancies--it seemed to clump in the early-mid 20's and I assumed the next group would be in the early-mid 30's.

Really nice to meet some other late 20's/early 30's hanging with me.

(and none, None--married or not--i take that back, maybe one was planned-the rest-no planO---How's that for learning with age ;-}  --but the couple who did plan already had one, so they don't really count--although another couple, who didn't plan, had one as well--when you have one, go ahead and have two, or two more--your kids will thank you later :-})
(You will thank you later!)

*I have word that my next one will be adopted*
that's Okay